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A New Day Hypnosis Reviews

Reviews from Citysearch

Overall Rating
  1. A New Day Helped A Lot!

    Read More On Citysearch andy1973 9/15/2010
  2. Are you kidding me

    Read More On Citysearch by Guest G. at Judy's Book 3/17/2010
  3. Laura helped me with social anxiety
    I?ve had a problem with social anxiety and a lack of confidence for the last forty years. I wasn?t able to have organized thoughts that I could convey verbally and it was affecting my career and my personal relationships. The constant anxieties were driving my life. During every discussion and interaction I was focused on what I should or should not be saying. I didn?t feel in control and I ...
    Read More On Citysearch mikelikesit 2/11/2010
  4. Hypnosis Conquered Negativity
    I have suffered from problems with negativity for as long as I can remember. Everything bugged the crud out of me and friends and family found me unpleasant to be around. People didn?t want to be around me and my attitude was straining relationships with multiple people in my life. I wasn?t getting what I wanted or what I needed and I would reflect my frustrations negatively on other people and ...
    Read More On Citysearch Jonj 12/2/2009
  5. My goals are back on track
    I?ve had a lack of self worth and trouble with self-esteem that has colored a lot of my experiences in life. I?ve always felt like I haven?t achieved my full potential and there was a sense of dissatisfaction hanging over me. I suffered from social anxiety and there were some missing pieces in my life puzzle that I needed to fill in. I felt disappointed in myself, which didn?t help my situation....
    Read More On Citysearch Tom P 10/19/2009
  6. No More Panic Attacks.
    I?ve had problems with anxiety and panic attacks for the last eight years. When I experienced it, I didn?t know what was going on and I thought it was a health issue. I felt like I was running 90,000 miles an hour and it was hard to make it through the day. I was quick tempered and I wasn?t handling high pressure situations very well. I knew that if I didn?t get control over it, it could real...
    Read More On Citysearch RT41 9/3/2009
  7. Laura helped me
    I?ve been constantly picking at my fingers over the last nineteen years and it was always something I had to think about. At times, I would notice that I was picking my fingers without even knowing that I was doing it. It made me self-conscious in dating situations and I worried about shaking hands with people. When I went swimming, the skin was way more shriveled up than anyone else and that w...
    Read More On Citysearch emco 7/5/2009
  8. Hypnosis helped me with Anger Problem
    I?ve had problems with anger issues since I was a teenager. I always felt like someone was doing me wrong and I wanted justice; that made me frustrated a lot of the time. I thought the yelling was just venting and that it was good for me. I had this mentality that everyone was out to get me and I ran my life in the offense. My attitude was affecting everyone in my life. I was wearing my busines...
    Read More On Citysearch draftchoice 5/13/2009
  9. A New Day helped me create a balanced life
    I?ve had mild weight fluctuations in the past, but I really struggled with my weight for the last year. I was working way too much and I had a lot of stress. When I came to see Laura, I felt like ?Gollum? from The Lord of the Rings and it was horrifying to me. I had terrible boundaries with my time and I was stress eating, I wasn?t sleeping, and I wasn?t working out. Things had really gotten of...
    Read More On Citysearch LT99 3/15/2009
  10. Laura helped me with anxiety
    I've suffered from anxiety for as long as I can remember. It was affecting my sleep and my ability to interact with the people that are close to me. I wasn't able to relax and have a good time because I was always thinking about the things that I needed to do. I felt awful because I wasn't able to have good conversations with my kids and wasn't able to mentally be present in conversations or get ...
    Read More On Citysearch austinite73 1/14/2009
  11. Laura helped me with an embarrassing problem
    I?ve had a problem with anxiety and panic attacks for the last eight months. The focus of my panic attacks related to a perceived urgency to defecate. I didn?t really have to go to the restroom; it was just created in my head. It made me very uncomfortable at bars, concerts, and parties. If there were gorgeous women around I was even more uncomfortable. It was like an avalanche of all sorts of fe...
    Read More On Citysearch m1977 12/29/2008
  12. Hypnosis changed my life
    I've had a difficult, never-ending uphill battle with my weight for the last ten years. I was binging two or three times a week. I went to the gas station and bought doughnuts and cakes and sugary foods. I could stop it temporarily by dieting and being strict with myself, but after a couple of months, I just went back to it. I heard about A New Day Hypnosis through citysearch. All the good revi...
    Read More On Citysearch nat021 10/24/2008
  13. I overcame my fear of public speaking
    I?ve had problems with public speaking for the last ten years. Throughout the day, I felt apprehensive and didn?t look forward to any meetings or events where I?d have to speak in front of a group of people. It negatively affected my career because I would only give short answers at meetings and wouldn?t elaborate or speak up if I had something to share. I wasn?t helping with projects and wasn?t...
    Read More On Citysearch rmartinez65 10/11/2008
  14. Laura really helped me
    I?ve struggled with my weight all of my life and bounced back and forth since puberty. In high school, I took diet pills and lost weight, but then I had a fungus in my mouth and had to stop. I?ve yo-yoed a lot. I didn?t like being overweight and it was on my mind all the time. In the last few years, I added wine to the whole picture because I felt like I deserved it after a long day, but I ha...
    Read More On Citysearch scorpionic 9/26/2008
  15. It's a miracle!
    I didn?t want people to know I was a smoker, so it was my dirty little secret. I was sneaking cigarettes and couldn?t have them at work. I was irritable with my wife and she avoided me because I was crabby when I had to be in situations where I couldn?t smoke. I stayed home and smoked when my wife was gone. I tried the patches and gum, my wallet got lighter, but I didn?t notice a decrease in my ...
    Read More On Citysearch rcinatx 8/28/2008
  16. Hypnosis helped me with trichotillomania
    I?ve suffered from an obsessive need to pull my hair out for the last 45 years. Pulling my hair out had become so routine; I used it to soothe myself and calm myself down. I was so unhappy and crying because I pulled all the time. I kept myself more distant because I didn?t want anyone to find out about my problem. I always had spots, but I kept them covered. I was mad at myself for not being...
    Read More On Citysearch kj1165 8/15/2008
  17. Hypnosis cured my sweet tooth!
    I?ve had problems with sweets for over twenty years. In college, after a test, I?d be tired and reward myself with a bag of cookies or some other sweets. It got harder and harder for me and then in my forties I started thinking about sweets almost all the time. I tried to stop myself by telling myself that I wasn?t going to have a binge. I would save up and have a big binge and once it came on,...
    Read More On Citysearch vw2002 7/8/2008
  18. A New Day Hypnosis helped me improve my self-esteem
    I?ve had problems with self-esteem since I was a pre-teen. . I depended on validation from others and and instead of thinking about work, I thought about my relationships with men and what needed to be changed. I was feeling desperate because I couldn?t focus on the things that were important in my life. I was in such a state of anxiety because I couldn?t stop the thoughts and the chatter or get ...
    Read More On Citysearch lroo 6/9/2008
  19. I have more confidence thanks to A New Day!
    I?ve had problems with a lack of confidence and limiting beliefs all of my life. When I went back into the hair business, there were blocks that were keeping me from succeeding and I wasn?t confident enough to go out and market my business. I went to various counselors to help fix the problem and also tried positive affirmation writing. I?ve read all variations of self-help books, but with eve...
    Read More On Citysearch jzw 5/19/2008
  20. A New Day worked for fear of heights
    I?ve been really afraid of falling and being in high places for the last year. I would drive different roads and not do certain things so that I didn?t have to drive on overpasses and other elevated areas. I wouldn?t go sight seeing if it had anything to do with heights. I couldn?t even stand on the second level at a shopping mall. I felt out of control and it was embarrassing. I was self cons...
    Read More On Citysearch crbent99 4/15/2008
  21. I improved my confidence with hypnosis
    I?ve had issues with self confidence, fear of rejection, and shyness for the last 25 years. My lack of confidence impacted me a lot and affected every aspect of my life. I was self-conscious around people and I shied away from anything challenging. If someone said hello tome, I tried not to say much. I wasn?t taking risks and I just felt bad about myself. There wasn?t any focus because my mind w...
    Read More On Citysearch simbar 3/7/2008
  22. Hypnosis helped me overcome stress and negativity
    I decided to start a family at age 39 and for the last year my attempts to have a child had not worked out. I was told by my doctor that I couldn?t use my own eggs with in-vitro and that the child really wasn?t going to be me, so I felt really isolated. I started to feel worn out and unworthy; I was hard on myself and felt like I was a lot older than I really am. The holidays were a bad time for...
    Read More On Citysearch lanamuch 1/31/2008
  23. If it helped me, it can help you too!
    I?ve struggled with my weight for the last seven or eight years. I felt totally out of control, but I was pretending that it was okay. I was uncomfortable and it was hard because I wanted to go back to wearing more fashionable clothes that I wore when I was skinnier, but nothing fit anymore. I felt like I couldn?t control what I was eating and I would tell myself ?Well I?m fat, so who cares if I...
    Read More On Citysearch sg_goss 1/4/2008
  24. I'm a better student because of hypnosis!
    I?ve had problems with procrastination and poor study skills for as long as I can remember. When something caused me to feel anxious, I would prolong addressing it and just put it off. I?ve tried to telling myself that this behavior was going to change, but it just didn?t stick. I would usually waste a couple of hours at a time and really missed the boat with what I needed to be doing. My procra...
    Read More On Citysearch chequers54 12/19/2007
  25. Hypnosis helped me study for the LSAT
    I came to A New Day Hypnosis because I had decided to go to law school, but was having a lot of difficulty studying for the LSAT. I wasn?t sleeping well because of everything that was going on and when I took the LSAT for the first time it was pretty bad. Ever since, I?ve had a lot of anxiety and a huge mental block when I tried to take LSAT practice tests. I went to tutoring and the scores...
    Read More On Citysearch traymatt 11/30/2007
  26. Hypnosis helped me have fun on my motorcycle
    I decided to use hypnosis to overcome my fear during motorcycle racing. I?ve always competed in motor cross, but I?ve had problems for the last few years. The fear had become so overwhelming that I wasn?t having fun anymore and I wasn?t motivated to get better. Biking had been my escape from corporate life and when I didn?t have a vehicle to do it, things weren?t working out for me. I was feeli...
    Read More On Citysearch tjmotorcross 10/23/2007
  27. I've overcome procrastination and poor study habits with hypnosis
    I?ve had problems with procrastination and study skills all my life. I always did what I needed to do to meet the minimum requirements, but I?ve always felt that didn?t reach the potential that I could have. Looking back, I feel like it was a loss. I?ve tried convincing myself over the years that these things would go away and I found that they didn?t. I?d be good for a couple of weeks and ...
    Read More On Citysearch dlnorris 10/2/2007
  28. Hypnosis helped me with insomnia and anxiety
    My problems with insomnia and anxiety started out when I had a really bad respiratory infection and I found myself panicking at night when I couldn?t breathe. All of the sudden I was wigging out. I couldn?t stop the panic and that was really scary for me. There were times when I would have such uncontrollable anxiety that I really felt like I was going crazy. I felt really out of control. ...
    Read More On Citysearch terridrippingspgs 9/7/2007
  29. Hypnosis helped me with an embarrassing phobia
    I?ve suffered from my fear for the last six years. I heard about A New Day Hypnosis in the Coffee News. I was leery and I didn?t think it would work, but I was at a point where I couldn?t do anything about it on my own. My problem was progressing to the point where I felt like I couldn?t control it. It been relatively easy. I?ve tried to just overcome it on my own terms. I told myself th...
    Read More On Citysearch stacey2222 8/11/2007
  30. I can drive on the highway!
    I?ve had problems with driving-related anxiety for the last twelve years. If I drove on the highway, I would have a panic attack about once a week. One out of every three times I got on the highway, I would panic. I once had an anxiety attack when I was driving with my husband on a foggy bridge over Lake Michigan in Wisconsin, it was horrible and we had to pull over. Up to that point, m...
    Read More On Citysearch tarainaustin 7/30/2007
  31. I cut out sweets with hypnosis
    I?ve struggled with my weight all my life. It kept going up and up, but never went down. I tried pretty much everything; I did Weight Watchers and lost some weight, but ultimately didn?t sustain the weight loss. I tried Jenny Craig for two months and it was short lived because I was always thinking about food and obsessing over it. I tried Adkins and lost a little weight and then gained it all b...
    Read More On Citysearch amy_b77 7/5/2007
  32. I stopped grinding my teeth with hypnosis
    I?ve suffered from grinding my teeth for at least ten years. I?ve gone through two mouth guards. I talked to the doctor and they didn?t know what to do to help me. I wanted help to stop my tooth grinding, not realizing that it was a result of a much bigger problem. I?d never really connected the grinding with the stress and anxiety that I?d been facing. Stress and anxiety were ruining my life. ...
    Read More On Citysearch charlottebeth 6/21/2007
  33. A New Day Hypnosis helpep stop my chewing tobacco habit
    I?ve used tobacco for twenty years and as soon as I walked out of the office after my first session, that was it. I was using a can a day and it was constant. I was a ?chain dipper? and used it all day long except when I ate. Halfheartedly, I tried the gum once and tried the patch once; I even tried the patch and the gum together. I would be very anxious and people who worked for me were buyi...
    Read More On Citysearch pallred1 6/6/2007
  34. Hypnosis helped me overcome irrational worry
    I first came to see Laura because of white coat syndrome, which was a symptom of the inordinate, irrational worry that I?ve suffered from for the last twenty years. I?d always had some anxiety with doctors, but realized that there was a problem when I went to the dentist for a regular cleaning and he wanted to check my heart rate. I started feeling anxious and my accelerated heart rate showed up...
    Read More On Citysearch vm1948 5/30/2007
  35. I feel much more in control with hypnosis
    I?ve suffered from anxiety since early childhood. I had become an introvert and felt like balling up and getting in the corner. I was anxious and afraid, so I had a lot of doubt and questioned myself. I was truly exhausted with my lifestyle and it was affecting my confidence. I had no social life and I wasn?t maximizing my business effectiveness. I was avoiding things that needed to get done. ...
    Read More On Citysearch nelsonwright 5/19/2007
  36. A New Day stopped my procrastination!
    I?ve been a procrastinator all my life. I?m self employed and would typically procrastinate to the point of awful ramifications. I felt lazy and I was starting to lose money because I spent the day downloading music and checking myspace instead of doing any work. I would threaten myself about making changes and getting on the ball, but they were empty threats and I just ended up wasting more tim...
    Read More On Citysearch davidez 5/1/2007
  37. Laura has changed my life for the better!
    I?ve struggled with weight issues for the last ten years. I always felt like I couldn?t get on top of it, I couldn?t have any control over it, and that the food had power over me. I?ve tried Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, starvation, Adkins, and calorie reduction. I always had the typical results; I had short term success and then gained the weight back and more. I felt like I was...
    Read More On Citysearch eschiff 4/18/2007
  38. I quit my pack a day habit with A New Day Hypnosis
    I was a smoker for about ten years and smoked a pack of American Spirit Blacks every day. I haven?t had a cigarette for about a month now. In the past, I didn?t notice that I was out of control until I tried removing cigarettes. I wasn?t in conscious control of anything. I would think to myself that I really didn?t want a cigarette, but I?d have one anyway. I tried the patch and the gum ...
    Read More On Citysearch erikaj81 4/11/2007
  39. I'm a better student because of hypnosis
    I?ve had bad study skills since high school. I noticed that I was susceptible to all the distractions around me. I would get frustrated and overwhelmed. I lost focus easily and just gave up. It was making me sad because I knew that I wouldn?t be able to reach my goals and make the grades that I needed to get accepted into grad school. I felt very negative and very much like I wasn?t reaching my...
    Read More On Citysearch michellescience 4/5/2007
  40. Hypnosis helped me pay attention to food choices
    I?ve struggled with my weight for the last five years. It started to bother me lately because I knew I was going into high school and I wanted to start fresh. I always had this thing in my head telling me that I needed to do something about it, so I tried different diets. I didn?t like having to count points or cut out food groups and I just felt like I had no options with what I could eat, it w...
    Read More On Citysearch caseyisalto 3/30/2007
  41. I stopped a 23 year addiction with hypnosis
    I?ve been a smoker for 23 years and I was smoking almost a pack a day when I decided to quit. I?ve now been tobacco free for two months. I?ve tried the nicotine patch, but then I would just smoke while I was on the patch. I quit cold turkey a couple of times. I felt like the nicotine controlled me and dictated my life. If I went to a business meeting, I had to be sure to wash my hands an...
    Read More On Citysearch craig_f 3/24/2007
  42. A skeptic found success with stopping smoking
    I?ve been a smoker for 18 yrs and I haven?t had a cigarette for about two months now. I?ve tried to quit smoking with cold turkey and it didn?t work for me. I was able to quit during my pregnancy, but I started smoking pretty much immediately after my son was born. I never tried the patch or gum because for me it was more about the habit. I could go without the nicotine, but when I made the de...
    Read More On Citysearch tieddowntraveler 3/17/2007
  43. A New Day Hypnosis helped me quit smoking after thirty years!
    I?d been a pack a day smoker for about thirty years and I?ve been tobacco free for a month now. I?ve tried the patch, willpower, and smokers anonymous to quit. I used the patch on and off for three years. It alleviated cravings, but not for the whole day, I would put it on in the morning and still want a cigarette in the evening. I chewed the gum once and hated it. I tried willpower and las...
    Read More On Citysearch susanw51 3/13/2007
  44. Hypnosis helped me overcome my fears
    I began having problems with anxiety in 1980 and it?s been on and off since then. I had been able to make progress, but recently it was getting to the point where I noticed that things were started to slide back. I was having panic attacks related to different driving situations and things were getting out of control; I was constantly worried about nothing specific and felt a tense feeling, but...
    Read More On Citysearch b_wise 3/6/2007
  45. Laura helped me sleep again!
    I?ve had problems with sleep for the last two years. Sometimes I took a couple of Benadryl to sleep and once a guy let me have a Lunesta to try and sleep, It didn?t work and I still woke up without being able to go back to sleep. I?ve tried meditating on my own and I couldn?t settle down. Not getting enough sleep was really impacting my life; I would get tired and couldn?t think through i...
    Read More On Citysearch fballard 3/4/2007
  46. A New Day helped me get organized!
    I?ve had problems with organization and procrastination all my life. I?ve always over committed and had a hard time saying no to things. In the past, I?ve tried to change by reading self-help books. I?d get off to a great start, clean my office, and then it would just be back to the same mess; simply reading about it was not enough for me. My lack of order and unrealistic expectations have kep...
    Read More On Citysearch alicaao 3/3/2007
  47. I quit a ten year smoking habit
    I?ve been tobacco free for a month now. My smoking drove other people crazy because I was so incessant about it. I?ve tried the patch and it made me nauseated, I lowered the dosage and it didn?t help. With the gum, I got really sick of the mint taste and felt like if I was having nicotine anyway, I might as well smoke. I also quit cold turkey when I was pregnant, but wanted a cigarette every ...
    Read More On Citysearch buffy34 2/15/2007
  48. I quit smoking after 20 years
    I?d been a smoker for 20 years and I?ve been tobacco free for three months now. I was smoking a pack a day and I thought that because of the stress of my job there was no way that I could ever quit. I?d tried quitting with willpower alone and it was always a battle, I was just looking for justification to go back to smoking. I?d try, give up, and try again and it never worked out. I felt frus...
    Read More On Citysearch mark41 1/13/2007
  49. I can SLEEP because of hypnosis!
    I?ve had bad sleep habits since college and I remember having to make up sleep when I was working too hard, but my problem was manageable until the last two years. I spent my Spring Break vacation trying to get the grading done and the reports turned in, so I stayed up late that whole week. After that, I couldn?t sleep anymore. I would try to do things that would make me sleepy. I took hot bat...
    Read More On Citysearch amy_r 1/7/2007
  50. I was skeptical, but hypnosis worked to help me quit smoking.
    I?ve smoked off and on for around twenty years. I was able to quit for a while, but I went back to smoking because I was under the impression that I could try it again and drop it. I felt out of control and it was frustrating. I knew that I really needed to quit and I knew that I needed to get to a place where I wanted to quit, but I couldn?t seem to get myself there. I found out about A New...
    Read More On Citysearch marcia_computing 12/21/2006
  51. I overcame my fear of needles with hypnosis
    I?ve been afraid of needles for as long as I can remember. My mom told me that when I was six months old I was getting my vaccinations and had a hysterical fit; I was sweating, panting, and screaming. I started to realize that my problem was becoming more serious when I recently had a TB skin test. I thought that I?d psyched myself out enough that I wouldn?t react and I made it through my appoin...
    Read More On Citysearch cello_princess 12/13/2006
  52. A New Day Hypnosis made me a believer
    I?ve struggled with my weight for the last 20 years and it?s been very stressful. I?ve tried dieting and exercise at different times in my life, but I?ve never had any luck sticking to a system. I?d go through the diet or exercise until I got down to the size I wanted to be and then I?d go back to living my life and gain it all back. I?d be too tired or get out of the habit of exercising an...
    Read More On Citysearch lana_analyst 12/9/2006
  53. A New Day Hypnosis helped me create a Healthy Lifestyle
    I?ve gone down 1 ? clothing sizes and I?m on my way to my next set of jeans. I?d always been kind of big, but I?ve really struggled with my weight for the last six years. I?ve tried lots of things to lose weight, I?ve done The Firm workout, but I didn?t stick with it. I did the low carb diet and I hated everything. I tried Slim Fast and that just made me crave sugar. I did the South Beach ...
    Read More On Citysearch stephaniesings 12/8/2006
  54. I gave up smoking with A New Day Hypnosis
    I was smoking a pack a day for 15 years and I?ve been a nonsmoker for two months now. I have more energy and I?m sleeping better now. I also noticed that I don?t have a smoker?s cough anymore. In the past, I?d tried Xanax to stop smoking and that didn?t work at all. I also quit cold turkey eight years ago, but when I was under a lot of stress I started smoking again. Whenever I tried to qu...
    Read More On Citysearch rufusrice 12/5/2006
  55. Hypnosis Changed My Life!
    I?ve struggled with my weight for the last twelve years. It was frustrating and difficult. I?d often go up and down, but I couldn?t seem to stay down. I felt out of control and it was horrible. I wasn?t in control of anything and I would end up screaming at my kids and not disciplining them well. I was so overwhelmed that I felt like I couldn?t do anything right. My husband said that I?d b...
    Read More On Citysearch sharronmom 12/4/2006
  56. Quit Smoking with A New Day Hypnosis
    Stopping smoking was always something that had been hard for me in the past. Coming to A New Day Hypnosis helped me to realize that it wasn?t that hard at all because I was able to deal with different situations without feeling flustered and needing a cigarette. During this experience I?ve been under incredible amounts of stress and I?ve been able to quit, so I feel confident that it?s going to...
    Read More On Citysearch a_potts 12/1/2006
  57. Laura helped me stop smoking
    I?ve been tobacco free for over a month now and I quit after my first session. I?ve been a smoker on and off for about ten years and after quitting I?ve noticed that I don?t feel sick to my stomach and I?m more clear-headed. I?ve tried to stop smoking with cold turkey, gum, and I even went to a hypnotherapist in Houston. I was able to quit for six months on two different occasions, but I starte...
    Read More On Citysearch patriciasw 11/29/2006
  58. A New Day helped me quit smoking
    I?d been a social smoker for several years, but it was never a habit until I got married. After our wedding day, it had been a social weekend and we had a pack left when we got home. We said we?d quit after we finished it, but it just continued from there until it had been a year and a half and we were still smoking. I always coped with stress with cigarettes. My husband I would try to quit, but ...
    Read More On Citysearch mrs_pm 11/20/2006
  59. I have better grades and more confidence
    I?ve had problems with my grades for the last two years. I was barely passing my classes. I had a negative outlook on my ability with grades and school. It made me feel insecure and I didn?t have a lot of confidence in myself. It was difficult for me to study, do homework, and learn anything when I was at school. I was worried about my future and afraid that I wasn?t going to be successful in l...
    Read More On Citysearch dementedfrog 11/11/2006
  60. Laura is wonderful
    I decided to try hypnosis to learn to handle my stress and anger in a healthier fashion. As a child, I watched my parents yell and argue, so at around age five I began modeling what I saw from them and started having explosions when something upset me. I decided that hypnosis could be a viable option for me after my closest friend told me that she had used hypnosis for her flight anxiety and it h...
    Read More On Citysearch artgallerylover 11/6/2006
  61. Laura helped me to improve my diet
    Ive struggled with my weight for probably fifteen years, but I really didnt have a problem with it until I had a stint put in my heart. The doctor told me that I had to lose weight, so I really starved myself to death and just didnt eat. I lost about thirty pounds that way, but Ive gained back ten pounds since then. In the past, I would come home and be starving and Id eat the refrigerator be...
    Read More On Citysearch donbusdriver 10/28/2006
  62. Hypnosis improved my sales
    I set up an appointment with Laura to work on getting the motivation and desire to make the phone calls that I needed to make to be successful in my business. Id been having problems with this for about six months. Every time that I thought about making a business call I felt apprehensive and nervous and didnt want to pick up the phone. My fear was preventing me from making new contacts in...
    Read More On Citysearch craigjones 10/18/2006
  63. I'm no longer afraid to fly
    Ive suffered from a fear of flying for the last twenty years, but didnt have a serious problem until I had a traumatic flight about three months ago. I got on the plane and it was really bumpy. There was a lot of turbulence on the flight and I became so anxious that I couldnt bring myself to board the connecting flight to my destination. I wasnt able to just deal with what was going on and keep g...
    Read More On Citysearch christian_w 10/12/2006
  64. I stopped picking my nails with hypnosis
    I started having problems with picking my nails after I graduated from law school, which was more than ten years ago. After that challenging time, I had periods where my nails would be fine, but during stressful phases in my life, I would start to pick again. A couple of years ago my stress levels had escalated so much that I started picking at my scalp. I heard about Laura through my doctor...
    Read More On Citysearch powell_j 10/3/2006
  65. A New Day Hypnosis
    Hypnosis has changed the way I think about food. I crave foods less as I have learned to think of food as fuel rather than as a way to bury my feelings. I find that I am much less attracted to sweet foods since my hypnosis sessions began. Donna Corcoran
    Read More On Citysearch donnaintexas 9/10/2006
  66. Hypnosis Works
    Ive struggled with my eating behaviors and had issues with my weight since high school. I never felt like I fit the ideal mold of beauty and tried different diets over the years that never worked. My husband was interested in stopping smoking. Wed both had some reservations about using hypnosis, but after we read an interview with Laura on the Austinist, we had all of our questions answered an...
    Read More On Citysearch reneet 9/8/2006
  67. Hypnosis helped me change my eating habits!
    I have struggled with my weight for about nineteen years and my weight has always been an ever-present thought in my mind. I learned about Laura through craigslist and I saw that she worked with people who wanted to promote a healthy lifestyle, so I thought that it sounded like the approach that I needed. I had heard about hypnosis before and couldnt figure out how it worked, so I decided to j...
    Read More On Citysearch bethinaustin 9/1/2006
  68. I overcame my phobia (fear of flying)
    I read about Laura in an interview that she did on the austinist and her approach sounded good, so I set up an appointment. I had been incredibly afraid to get on a plane and had to go to a wedding out of town, so I felt like I didn't have any options. I was desperate to overcome this fear because I couldn't tell my best friend that I wasn't coming to her wedding because I was too scared to...
    Read More On Citysearch traceychip 8/29/2006
  69. Laura is Great
    I was nervous at first about going to my hypnosis session. I didn't really know what it was going to be like or what was going to happen. Laura was great she made me feel confident and relaxed through the session . The hypnosis really worked. I mostly enjoyed the results I recieved with her. I would reccommend Laura to anyone.
    Read More On Citysearch thec00lestchick 8/22/2006
  70. Laura helped me cure my Insomnia
    I found out about Laura on a flyer that I saw at Kerbey Lane. I hadn't been able to sleep soundly for the last five years. I tossed and turned and would usually wake up at 3am every morning. I tried so many different prescriptions and sleep aids, but nothing worked. After my first session with Laura, I already noticed a change in my sleep. It's been a miracle and I can't believe how easy it wa...
    Read More On Citysearch beverlyluvscakes 8/20/2006
  71. Hypnosis improved my public speaking.
    I have always been afraid of public speaking, especially in front of large groups. However after just one visit I noticed a definite improvement in my confidence to give speeches to roomfuls of people. If she can help me overcome my issue she can certainly help others too. Don't let your problems dictate your life. You can tackle them head on with hypnosis!
    Read More On Citysearch clint_boon 8/20/2006
  72. Good Hypnotherapy
    Laura is very knowledgable, professional, and warm. She seemed very concerned with my development and helped me a great deal.
    Read More On Citysearch virginiajones 8/19/2006
  73. Smoke free
    I was a smoker for ten years. I tried to quit at least 8 times and I could ususally make it a few months, but they were always difficult, and full of nicotine cravings. Although the first two weeks were still difficult, through hypnosis and talking with Laura I learned a variety of techniques that made the cravings much easier to deal with. Hypnosis helped me to make a complete attitude change...
    Read More On Citysearch cmasmus 8/18/2006
  74. Very Relaxing, Focus on Personal Goals, Highly Recommended
    I've always been skeptical about hypnosis but needed some help feeling positive about my future goals & making healthy eating choices. I was recommended to A New Day Hypnosis by a friend and thought I would go see Laura. She was wonderful and made me feel so comfortable about making changes in my life. Hypnosis made the changes seem effortless and before I knew it I was feeling more positive abou...
    Read More On Citysearch emcorocks 8/17/2006
  75. Life Changing!
    Laura is awesome! She literally changed my life. I have been painfully shy and self conscious my entire life. I spent my entire life worrying about what others thought of me and was paralyzed by the prospect of speaking to men I was interested in. I had been through 20 years of traditional therapy when I turned to Laura for help. I was a 38 year old, bitter, lonely, and cynical woman when I came ...
    Read More On Citysearch kairapockru 8/13/2006
  76. If you are considering Hypnotherapy - this is the place!!!
    I have been working w/ Laura for about 7 weeks and I just can't say enough good things about her. I feel better about myself and I owe it to Laura's wonderful techniques! If you are looking for someone who will listen and help you to *truely* improve, PLEASE give her a call!
    Read More On Citysearch littlepambaby 8/11/2006
  77. Hypnosis works!
    I saw Laura because I was having difficulty working up the motivation to exercise and become more active after sitting at my desk job all day. After seeing Laura, I discovered that my reluctance to excercise had more to do with planning than I had realized. In my hypnosis session, she spoke very thoroughly about the importance of planning my day so that I could squeeze in all activities. Not o...
    Read More On Citysearch shylarobinson 8/11/2006
  78. professional, friendly and it actually works!
    I went to Laura for help with my public speaking and study skills, and I was amazed at how quickly I noticed a change in my behaviors! Her office is professional and inviting, and Laura was really great--I felt comfortable with her from the very start, and she was extremely knowledgable and friendly. I was also expecting it to be really expensive, but it was very affordable--and i'm a broke col...
    Read More On Citysearch dturet 8/11/2006
  79. Quit smoking now!
    Laura helped me quit smoking. I have been nicotine free for over two years. She was very supportive throughout the process. I had been a smoker for twenty years.
    Read More On Citysearch jrryan 8/11/2006
  80. Laura really helped me with my confidence and to quit smoking.
    I didn't really believe in hypnosis until going to see Laura but not only were her sessions extremely helpful they also had a major positive effect. She helped me with confidence boosting and stress at work, and also helped me quit smoking permanently after being a heavy smoker for 10 years. Very professional and highly recommended. You'll be amazed by the difference a few sessions make and will ...
    Read More On Citysearch simpat 8/11/2006
  81. I quit smoking!
    Id been a smoker for over forty years and I quit after my first session with Laura Ryan-Day. I talked with my doctor about quitting and he recommended that I call Laura. I feel in control and more confident. Hypnosis helped to eliminate the cravings and urges for cigarettes. I would definitely recommend Lauras services to anyone who wants to stop smoking because she makes it a lot easier.
    Read More On Citysearch katherinekinaustin 8/10/2006
  82. Highly Recommended
    Laura was a joy to work with. She helped me to improve my self-image and build up my confidence. My friends and family can't believe the change in me! I would highly recommend Laura to anyone who wants to improve themselves.
    Read More On Citysearch emilymitschke 8/10/2006

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