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Harmony Health, Inc. Acupuncture and Oriental Medi Reviews

Reviews from Citysearch

Overall Rating
  1. Miracle workers

    Read More On Citysearch aschribs 4/21/2010
  2. An amazing place!
    My wife and I had tried to have a baby for over 3 years with no success-she had issues with endometriosis and I had some male factor issues. After several procedures of iui and ivf, we decided to try acupuncture based on the success of another couple we knew going through the same thing. We met with Dr. Lisa Corrigan-Bilkey, who talked to us about our experience and also explained hers, which w...
    Read More On Citysearch osi326 9/25/2009
  3. stress
    I came here because i was really stressed out and this place really helped me. i did the acupuncture and it was my first time and i thought it was amazing.
    Read More On Citysearch Citysearch User 4/15/2009
  4. Highly recommended for fertility!
    I saw Kelly Lee Whiteside and she was fantastic. I was treated for fertility. My husband and I were trying for 5 months and were not yet pregnant. My doctor said nothing was wrong with me and to just keep trying, but it was making me anxious to just stand by and wait. I didn't feel in control. I saw Kelly for 3 weeks and I got pregnant (I found out 2 weeks later)! It happened that fast! I'm not s...
    Read More On Citysearch nola60622 10/23/2008
  5. A miracle!
    A miracle! After being told by a very prominant Reproductive Specialist that not only would I never get pregnant naturally, but I was not even a candidate for IVF- I was ready to give up-Then I found Lisa Corrigan-Bilkey. Not only did she nurture my broken spirit, she also 'attacked' the endometriosis that had been blocking my tubes with acupuncture(it really does not hurt the way she does it!),...
    Read More On Citysearch nat2 9/3/2007
  6. I'm still in shock
    I feel very blessed to have met Kellylee Whiteside at Harmony Health. I started seeing her last year for help with my Endometriosis. My doctors at the time said the condition was so far advanced that both fallopian tubes were completely blocked and be my only hope might be IVF but that may not even work. I was devastated as It has always been my dream to have children. This year I got married...
    Read More On Citysearch jgb1 2/8/2007
  7. Wish I had started going 12 months ago!
    Kellylee and all of the staff (especially Kimberly and Audra) at Harmony Health are fantastic. I saw real results (for infertility) after just a few sessions, and am improving with each subsequent session. Received so much more attention than from any of the doctors I've seen (and some of those are no slouches in this department!). For the first time, I felt that I was given the opportunity to...
    Read More On Citysearch constant_diner 6/16/2006
  8. Best in Town
    After 6 rounds of ivf and acupuncture I thought about just giving up. Fortunately, I met The gals from Harmony Health and realized I was not working with real professionals! They guided me through every stage of the process of trying to have a baby, and gave me valuable tools I can use for the rest of my life. I greatly appreciated the open communication and the compassionate concern they share...
    Read More On Citysearch ar4n18 4/25/2006
  9. Wow!
    Earlier this year, I began treatments at Harmony Health to stop smoking because of a friends recommendation. My friend informed me they have a fool proof "secret" plan, and had 100% success with it. I did'nt completely buy it(I am a M.D.); I also figured I had nothing to lose, since nothing had worked for me thus far. I was very impressed with their office; very clean, warm and inviting, not a...
    Read More On Citysearch smusa 12/13/2005
  10. I'm sooo Thrilled
    I'm soo thrilled to be a Mommy finally! I had been told by doctors that I had a very slim chance of ever conceiving because of my history of endometriosis and fibroids. After undergoing 4 rounds of IVF and one IUI, I was at my wit's end and depressed. A woman I met by chance at the gym told me about Harmony Health and I decided to give it a try. Why not? I've had acupuncture years ago for a k...
    Read More On Citysearch anitasun 12/9/2005
  11. This stuff works
    At 41, I thought I would never get pregnant. Thanks to the gentle care and instruction of Practitioner/Owners Lisa and Kellylee, I am now 4 mo. pregnant! In 4 mo. I went from barely having a menstrual cycle, insomnia, and dizziness, to feeling stress free and grounded. I cannot say enough!
    Read More On Citysearch charlienoir 10/12/2005
  12. Exceptional Experience
    From the moment I entered Harmony Health, I immediately felt relaxed. It was not what I would have expected. The office is warm and inviting, with color and a tranquil fountain. Not like a doctor's office! My treatments were not only healing, but educational as well. After months of taking prescription drugs for my anxiety/stress/insomnia, I am now experiencing a real inner calm. My experien...
    Read More On Citysearch mastr8 8/24/2005

Reviews from MetroGuide.Community

Overall Rating

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