I Struck Chiropractic Gold...Best Chiro Ever! Read More On Citysearchby DaManning at Citysearch 1/27/2011
Golf pain free I went to Dr. Kauf after I swung a golf club and felt a sharp pain in my lower back. I have had pain before but not like this. He got me in that day after my co-worker who I was golfing with suggested him. He drove me to his office and had to help me get into his office! Dr. Kauf did an exam and took films of my lower back. It was determined that I have a degenerative disc. He treated me th... Read More On Citysearchgoddysgotit 10/19/2009
Chicago's Best Chiropractor The best chiropractor in the city. Hands down.
In my life, I've visited 6 chiropractors Dr. Michael Kauf is the most thorough and competent, by far. What I like most is his professionalism, including how he consistently honors his appointment time (more than any doctor of any kind I've dealt with in my life).
Also, there are different techniques to spinal manipulation. A lot of chiropra... Read More On Citysearchvinceanz 10/19/2009
Dr. Kauf got me through the marathon! I just wanted to thank Dr. Kauf for getting me through the marathon last weekend. My lower back and knees were very sore from marathon training. I decided to see Dr. Kauf and he made me custom fitted orthotics for both my running shoes and heels. That, with some ultrasound and the chiropractic adjustments made a huge difference. I finished my first marathon Sunday and actually felt decent on Mond... Read More On Citysearchtaylormanning1979 10/15/2009
Chicago Chiropractic is Number 1 I went to Dr. Kauf with severe lower back pain. My wife also saw him with neck pain. He got us both better in a few weeks. His staff was great and he is always available! I told him that I would let everyone know because he does a wonderful job! Thanks Dr. Kauf!! Read More On Citysearchcrowleymatt12345 10/14/2009
My chiro rocks!!! I was introduced to Chicagoland Chiropractic by a friend of mine that had seen Dr. Kauf (the owner) in the past for lower back issues. I went to him after I couldn't stand the pain in my neck any longer. He examined me, xrayed me and came up with a plan that consisted of stim pads (like an electric massage! I wish I had one at home!), stretches and adjustments. I felt better right away and contun... Read More On Citysearchyorkcorkstork 10/14/2009
Great Service Great Hands BEST Chiropractor Dr. Kauf treated me last week for severe lower back pain that traveled into my legs. He diagnosed me with sciatica and has really helped me a ton. A nice guy, with great touch! Very professional and caring. X-rays were taken on site and they got me in same day! I would suggest anyone with back or neck pain check him out! Read More On Citysearchgoldy40 5/16/2009
Neck Pain...GONE Low Back Pain...GONE!!!!!!!! I found Chicago's best Chiropractor. Dr. Michael Kauf has really helped with my neck and lower back pain. I sit at a desk as a graphic artist and was suffering from extreme neck and lower back pain. The neck pain traveled down my shoulders. Dr. Kauf took xrays, defined the problem and treated me with chiropractic and soft tissue therapy. I feel like a new person. If you are reading this, you are ... Read More On Citysearchmarkquinn 2/13/2009
Dr. Kauf Is the best Chicago Chiropractor!!!!! I MEAN IT!!!!!!!!!!! DR. KAUF IS THE BEST!!!!!!
I met Dr. Michael Kauf at a charity event last year and my husband who has known him for years (as his patient) introduced me to him because I was experiencing neck and back pain. The neck pain was occurring daily when at my computer at work. My low back pain was rather severe and was limiting my ability to exercise. Dr. Kauf got me in the following Monday and has real... Read More On CitysearchLindaBraveheart 12/31/2008
Best Chicago Chiropractor I LOVE HIM AND YOU WILL TOO!!!! I was looking for the best Chiropractor in Chicago and I found him! I was referred by my friend when I couldn't turn my neck after awakening in pain! I couldn't drive, brush my teeth, or do anything for that matter. Dr. Kauf examined and x-rayed me. He found 2 degenerative discs. He treated me over the course of 6 weeks and I am 100% better! A total sweetie with great bedside manner! His s... Read More On Citysearchacegirl69 12/25/2008
Great Service, facitlity and attentive physicians!!! For as long as I can remember I have had serious back pain. For some reason (not sure why) I had always been hesitant to schedule an appointment with a chiropractor. A good friend said that through chiropractic therapy Dr Kauf had helped ease her back pain so I decided it was time for me to try it as well. I was very impressed with the facility, office staff and most importantly Dr. Kauf. He took... Read More On CitysearchAnneBrown1 12/20/2008
Best Chiropractor In Chicago!!!!! You want the best Chiropractor in Chicago? Well I found him. I went to Dr. Michael Kauf with my husband after we were in a car accident. My neck was in agony! I couldn't even brush my teeth without pain. Dr. Kauf x-rayed me and diagnosed my condition. He treated me with PT and chiropractic and I am now 100% improved. His staff is great too! I have talked to people going to see him on the elevator... Read More On Citysearchbagelsrule 11/28/2008
Great Hands Great Service Great Staff Great Chiropractor I just wanted to let everyone here on Citysearch know that I found a great Chiropractor in Chicago. Dr. Michael Kauf is his name and he will chane your life if you have back and neck pain. I have suffered from both low back pain and neck pain for years. I was referred to Dr. Kauf through my insurance plan and was pleased to discover all of his services were covered by my insurance! He put me ... Read More On Citysearchpauliewal 10/7/2008
I love my chiropractor!!!!!!!!!!! (In a non-sexual way of course!!!!!) After experiencing pain for over 6 months I finally decided to see a chiropractor. I was looking for a good chiropractor in chicago when my buddy said I should check out Dr. Kauf. I had shooting pains in my leg and my low back was killing me. He cured me after about 4-6 weeks of treatment. I still see him today because I am so active and he keeps me feeling great. I have referred him to frie... Read More On Citysearchtomgal 10/6/2008
Best Chicago Chiropractor...I AM NOT KIDDING THE BEST!!!!!! I met Dr. Kauf at the gym when I was introduced to him by one of his patients that told me he was the best Chicago chiropractor around. He was nice enough to discuss my upper back and neck issues with me while he was working out and suggested an exam and treatment at his Chicago chiropractic office on Delaware Place. I was x-rayed and given a report of my findings. He was very precise in his c... Read More On Citysearchsmittylevine 9/26/2008
Chiropractor to the Stars!!!!! I went bto see Dr. Kauf for neck pain last year and was very pleased. He fixed me using adjustments and stretches! I saw that he treats celebrities too while they work in chigago. There are a bunch of "a-listers" signed photos that he has treated on his walls! Pretty c ool that he does that and I thought I would share it with people that read reviews. One other thing to note is that he got ... Read More On Citysearchheynow100 9/23/2008
Chicago Chiropractor Is My Favorite I used to see a chiropractor out of state but needed a Chicago chiropractor. I was new to the city so I did an Internet search which directed me to Dr. Michael Kauf and it was a great find. I had pain in my neck that went into my shoulders. I was constantly in pain at the computer. Dr. Kauf examined me, took x-rays and determined that I had a pinched nerve in my neck that was causing the radi... Read More On CitysearchKellyPark 9/21/2008
Chicago Chiropractor Got Me Running!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am writing my first review to let everyone know that if you need a Chicago Chiropractor, Dr. Kauf is THE MAN! I am training for the marathon and my lower back and knees were killing me! I saw the doc for the last few weeks and just ran 18 pain free! Check him out in the Gold Coast on Delaware Place. You will love it!" Read More On CitysearchBaker1000 9/19/2008
This Chiropractor is the Greatest on Earth!!!!!!!!!! Dr. Kauf has treated my lower back pain with amazing results the last few months. I had seen two other doctors for this condition (a PT and a different chiropractor in Lincoln Park), but was not feeling any better after their treatments. The difference is that Dr. Kauf is an excellent adjuster and uses a specific table that really helped with my disc/low back problem (I forget the table is call... Read More On Citysearchvincejackson1965 1/4/2008
No More Pain! Dr. Michael Kauf saved me. I had been getting terrible pains while working at my computer. A friend suggested Dr. Michael Kauf so I made an appointment. After a few treatments I felt great. Now I feel like a new person. Read More On Citysearchgssgdvd 9/20/2007
Best Chiropractor EVER! I am so pleased to have found Dr. Michael Kauf after performing a Google search for chiropractors in chicago. His two web sites that came up, chicago-chiropractic and chicagolandchiro, provided loads of useful information and described the exact sciatic symptoms that I was experiencing. After a few weeks of treatment the pain started to subside and I was able to get back to my normal way of liv... Read More On Citysearchatucker45 9/12/2007
Back Pain Gone!!!!! I met Dr. Kauf while working out at my health club. Someone had told me he was a chiropractor that has been practicing for quite some time and was great, so I approached him at the gym to explain that I was in pain. He was kind enough to suggest that I come in that same day! I am in my late 30's and started to avidly work out which resulted in horrible neck pain and pain between my shoulder b... Read More On Citysearchkarenco1 9/7/2007
Helpful Healing I recieved excellent care and felt great in a short period of time. The staff is warm and welcoming and incredibly flexible. I have recommended Dr. Michael Kauf to several of my friends and will continue to do so. Read More On Citysearchbobo789 9/6/2007