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Health Matrix Reviews

Reviews from Citysearch

Overall Rating
  1. Feeling Great, Thank You!
    I so appreciate what Dr. LaChapelle and her fine staff have helped me accomplish! One year ago I could barely leave my home because of fatigue and mental fog. The Health Matrix staff provided many modalities of better health: nutrition & supplements along with therapies of the finest quality. Cravings for alcohol- a lifelong problem- were replaced with effective and healthier behaviors. I alwa...
    Read More On Citysearch pattyvin 7/16/2007
  2. Amazing!
    When I do what you say and follow your program, I feel amazing! I have been very committed to following your program and supplementation routine to the letter. I probably consume more wheat products than you would like however, the increased veggies and NO SUGAR has really made a difference! I don?t have those awful mood swings, or that lethargic feeling in the mornings!! Also, yesterday I ...
    Read More On Citysearch dpreslar 6/26/2007
  3. Effective!
    When I began treatment at the Health Matrix Natural Health Clinic, I was suffering from numerous health problems. Even though medical doctors had helped me as much as they could, I was so exhausted I was forced to quit my job. Health Matrix developed a plan to restore my health that was created especially for me. The therapy was gentle, effective and gave me the results I needed to return to w...
    Read More On Citysearch jkelley01 6/4/2007
  4. Thank You For Everything!
    I knew the way I took care of my children medically had to change. Next to the ?quick fix?, medical doctors had literally no answers. I?m thankful that we were able to meet up with you and get a more detailed approach to what needs to be done to stay healthy the right way. I was so in search of a positive solution and with your approach I have seen results. I believe one must have good health in ...
    Read More On Citysearch audreypin 6/4/2007
  5. Thank You!
    I had been diagnosed with an auto-immune disease (Scleroderma) about 1 ? years ago. Then, I responded to an ad for Health Matrix Natural Health Clinic; they have led me well on my way to recovering from the effects related to ALL my health challenges. With their help I have received a powerful, customized nutrition and detoxification protocol along with a series of drug-free, non-invasive therapi...
    Read More On Citysearch foziaj 5/3/2007
  6. Pain Free Finally!
    I am an 82 year old woman who had a compressed fracture of my back in May and spent six weeks in the hospital. Four months later, the only relief I was offered from the medical doctors was pain pills. After my first visit with Charlene at Health Matrix, I was able to sleep through the night for the first time since May. A few visits later, I experienced a whole day without any pain (my first si...
    Read More On Citysearch wstew000 3/7/2007
  7. Lost Weight & The Pain is Vastly Decreased!
    After 30 years of oral corticosteriod therapy (that?s a lot of cortisone!), one can imagine the physical complications that had to be dealt with on a daily basis. Seventeen years of complimentary medicine helped to ease some of the damage; but, when I started treatment with Dr. Veronica LaChapelle, my symptoms still included heart palpitations, shortness of breath, severe general pain, muscle wea...
    Read More On Citysearch drbello 3/6/2007
  8. Finally!
    In June, 2003, I started going to Dr. LaChapelle after countless visits to many different health professionals with no results for the lingering illness that plagued me for 11 years. The results of her examination showed that I had multiple intestinal parasites that had caused me to lose weight and energy. Under Dr. LaChapelle's care, I have added 30#! We are now detoxing heavy metals from my bod...
    Read More On Citysearch keithfrentrup 10/16/2006
  9. Horrah!
    I have been perimenopausal for 11 "glorious" years! During that time I have tried virtually everything that western, eastern and alternative medicines have had to offer. My severe mood swings, RABID irritation & general malaise were alleviated on occasion, but I never felt "normal". Dr. V has addressed my entire body function including neurotransmitters & hormones. I have been with her for over a...
    Read More On Citysearch pamelareed 10/16/2006
    I started this program 57 pounds overweight, having developed the proverbial pear-shaped physique. I had heard about the neurotransmitter program from some friends who were participating in it, but Health Matrix is in Texas; I live in Georgia. After contacting Dr. Veronica LaChapelle I discovered I would need just this kind of approach to weight loss. I've been following the program faithfully...
    Read More On Citysearch deborahrhodes 10/16/2006
  11. I would recommend you to anyone!
    It has been 13 months since my son Timothy has been under your care, and I am reporting to you the phenomenal results that have occurred not only for him but also for us! With much gratitude to you, I would like to share his history so that you may share this to help make a difference for others. Timothy had been in three different households when we adopted him at 15 months. He was malnouris...
    Read More On Citysearch suedavy 10/16/2006
  12. Life is more vibrant with her guidance and support
    In January 2004, I was referred to Dr. LaChapelle by a friend because of my annually recurring episodes of cedar fever, that debilitating allergy indigenous to Central Texas that turned my sinuses to stone in December and January. Dr. LaChapelle provided an herbal and homeopathic heavy metal detoxification protocol that also discharged parasites and other toxins. In 90 days my whole body felt ...
    Read More On Citysearch henryjnovak 9/25/2006
  13. YEAH!
    My health was compromised by a neck injury three years ago; plus, I have low thyroid and allergies. I was taking 1100 mg of Neurontin for neck pain, Synthroid for thyroid and Clarinex and Nasonex nasal spray for allergies. I was introduced to Dr. Veronica LaChapelle by a friend and had my first consultation in the fall of 2005. Then, I had two final amalgam dental fillings removed and Dr. LaCh...
    Read More On Citysearch mc27492 9/25/2006
  14. Amazing Results
    I've been working with Dr. Veronica LaChapelle of Health Matrix for 2 years and have experienced a 40 pound weight loss and renewed balance and energy. I am always so grateful for the guidance, expertise and enthusiastic support I receive from Dr. LaChapelle and every staff person there. Please see what they can do for you!
    Read More On Citysearch bj17327 9/25/2006
  15. Thank You Dr. V!
    Dr. "V" brought me back to life !! Since 2002, she has been sharing her vast knowledge, her wonderful evaluation tools, and her marvelous products that actually WORK. I consider it a blessing to be helped in such a complete and effective way.
    Read More On Citysearch austinamy01 9/25/2006

Reviews from MetroGuide.Community

Overall Rating

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