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Seton Shoal Creek Hosp Reviews

Reviews from Citysearch

Overall Rating
  1. Worst Place Ever-Do Not Take Your Friends!

    Read More On Citysearch by peterfram at Citysearch 3/20/2011
  2. Worst Experience Ever

    Read More On Citysearch by owllady at Citysearch 12/27/2010
  3. Seten Shoal Creek-not a healty place

    Read More On Citysearch by Ann m at Insider Pages 10/23/2010
  4. Amazing.

    Read More On Citysearch by mariah s at Insider Pages 10/12/2010
  5. More like a prison than a hospital

    Read More On Citysearch by Teresa F at Insider Pages 8/22/2010
  6. Horrible place to detox
    I went here for help and admisions was ok, but my room was very dirty with someone elses dirty clothes in the only drawr I had to put my clothes in. The night staff wouln'd t follow the doctor order for the medicens I was to get. No one showed me around, so I had no idea where to go for what. The mattress was a 3 inch piece of rubber on a wood plank and I had to beg for an extra pillow to cuddle...
    Read More On Citysearch Red Sharpie 10/30/2009
  7. Chaos
    I called SSC hospital to see if I could self admit myself for depression and suicidal thoughts. I just wanted to nip the problem early before I sunk further. They said I could come in. No time was given for me to get there. I had to arrange for pet care and a few other things before I could leave. Imagine my surprise when the police are at my door 3 hours after the phone call to S.C. I was not al...
    Read More On Citysearch Citysearch User 4/27/2009
  8. Depends on your situation
    I have been to Shoal creek only twice for two very different reasons. The first incident, I voluntarily admitted myself to get my seizure medication under control, as I was having as much as 10 a day and forgetting things. Having no family look after me, I chose to hospitalize myself. The intake nurses were courteous and friendly, and I was monitored closely due to being a fall risk. Some of the ...
    Read More On Citysearch Citysearch User 3/28/2009
  9. Horrible!!!
    if you are merely a simple patient needing medication and someone to talk to, this is not the place. I went in because I couldn't get an appointment with a regular doctor and they treated me like crap! They wouldn't answer any of my questions and even though I voluntarily admitted myself they would not let me leave and threatened to have me court ordered to stay. I wasn't given any treatment or h...
    Read More On Citysearch Citysearch User 2/18/2009
  10. Caring supportive staff to my family and mother
    My mother who has been battling Parkinson's Disease for over 20 years was recently hospitalized at Shoal Creek due to an imbalance in her meds that caused her to have severe hallucinations. The situation was unfortunate, but the staff couldn't have been better. My mother was scared and afraid and they placed her room near the nursing station. Someone was constantly with her since she is prone t...
    Read More On Citysearch Citysearch User 12/11/2008
  11. It is the better than any other!!
    I came across this site because I needed to get my records from all of the admissions I had to Shoal Creek. I had a nervous breakdown back in 1998 and spent the next five years in Shoal Creek. I was in and out monthly. I am also a cutter. I was in the hospital more than I was out of the hospital. I can tell you that there was not one time that any one of the doctors or nurses or workers did or sa...
    Read More On Citysearch Citysearch User 2/14/2008
  12. Auswome
    Shoal creek was a really good expeirience for me because i have a cutting problem or as we like to call it being EMO. and even though the help they provided didnt really help me stop cutting it did sorta help with my depression and im thankful for that and if you have problems you should go cause its so fun and you meet great people.-Aaren B. 14. 5/1/2007
    Read More On Citysearch Citysearch User 5/1/2007
  13. Professionals Help Those Willing To Accept Help
    Seton Shoal Creek offers in and outpatient therapy for a variety of psychiatric issues. Highly competent staff provide timely intervention for anxiety disorders, depression, substance abuse, codependence and sexual abuse. While the settings aren't plush, the therapy is as good as you're willing to make it. The business office keeps you informed and harbors no financial surprises. Many support...
    Read More On Citysearch Citysearch User 3/5/2007
  14. Seton Shoal Creek Hospital in Austin, Texas
    I like Shoal Creek Hospital because it is my safe place to go to think about & sort out my thoughts & get the professional care I need to help monitor my medications. I was afraid the first time I went there but quickly adjusted to the surroundings, patients, staff & Physicians. You can sit back & watch the other people & see there are other people like me & some not; I am thankful that I have ...
    Read More On Citysearch Citysearch User 12/2/2005
  15. Got me hooked on pills
    I went here as an outpatient after a tragic event in my life. The social worker/counselor that I met with was great. I was able to get 6 weeks off of work to attend daily 3 hour meetings with this social worker in group therapy. BUT, here's the catch, you have to meet with their doctors as well. The psychiatrist put me on a lovely arrangement of Valiums, Xanax, Ambien. I was constantly high....
    Read More On Citysearch Citysearch User 11/28/2005
  16. Terrible!
    Seton Shoal Creek is a mental health/psychiatric facility in Austin, Texas. My experiences with the staff there, when visiting patients, have not been good. The doctors have not appeared to be very knowledgable or caring, the staff is apathetic and rude, and the patients I've spoken with have complained of mistreatment. I wouldn't recommend this place at all.
    Read More On Citysearch Citysearch User 11/7/2005

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