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LAN Office Furnishings

(0 reviews)
205 West Wacker Drive map
Chicago, IL 60606
(312) 251-0500 website

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Message from LAN Office Furnishings

A unique, stress free approach to your office furniture projects...LAN

L.A.N. Office Furnishings understands a company's needs in regards to customer service, business practices, and overall satisfaction. L.A.N. will be dedicated and committed in meeting the high level of service and expectations of our clients. As with all current and future clients, it is our main goal and focus to achieve extraordinary customer service, supply competitive pricing, and provide expert advice where you are, when you need it. L.A.N. is a full service WBE certified contract commercial furniture dealership. Located directly across from the Merchandise Mart in the Chicago Loop, L.A.N. has direct contact with manufacturers and easy access to all showrooms. L.A.N. provides planning, selecting, ordering and delivery / installation of furnishings.

Products and Services

Office Furniture

General Info

  • Chicago
  • Merchandise Mart
  • Office Furniture

Business Hours

Mon-Sat 8am-5pm
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